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Thursday, September 17, 2015

O's Iranian Deal and John Kasich

Ohio Gov. John Kasich had the most rational reaction to O's nuclear deal with Iran.  Wait and see.  I personally think the deal is a good one for the US and Israel.  First of all, it gives the US military time  to reconstruct itself.  We are ill prepared for a land war with Iran.  Second, Iran  may actually comply with the agreement. I believe that it will.  Think about this: Iran could easily buy a bomb from a rogue state like Pakistan or North Korea if it desperately wanted one.  If it is a nihilistic enterprise as billed by some of our conservative politicians then what better use of its money than to spend it all on weapons of mass destruction?   Sunnis might help foot the bill, endeavoring to finance a nuclear exchange that would eradicate the Persians and Israel and (collaterally) the Palestinians.
      Give peace a chance- so that we may better prepare our military  for war.


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