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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Eye Hay it Vise Tea

Vise Tea ease a bout the wurst computing X pier eye ance eye half ev ore had. Inter up tions gay lore. S'low. Conflicts width m'eye fav ore ite gay aim, BattleFirled 1942! Microsoft sh! ood gee me a re fun. Butt in staid, eye mopist poot up $113 (Amazing-on) fur a fee ix culled Microsoft 7. Eeye yam a succor. Butt eye cannit on dure Vista an knee long ore. Eye am pay ing the bull yee to see ease tort ore ring meeee!
Wear ease King Barack, cham pee on the pee plas? Wear ease the Foderal Tra raid kom mish on? Microsoft shoe old bee pay ying meeee! Un fay are!


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