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Monday, September 27, 2004

What Happened to the Revolution?

There's no question that we've lost good paying jobs to China. Every advanced country in theworld is losing good jobs to developing nations. The French and the Germans lose jobs to Eastern Europe as well as China.
In this country, blue collar guys who once made a good living at the mill are working for Wal-Mart. So where are the bread lines? Why are blue-collar beach resorts like Wildwood, New Jersey mobbed with people on the weekends? Why are restaurant chains doing a booming business?
My theory is that the deflation we now witness in wages has more than been offset by a deflation in the cost of goods, like clothing and food and even automobiles. Wages may be lower for some groups, but so is the overall cost of living. The events that would trigger widespread disatisfaction would be a rise in interest rates-- which would drive up consumer debt and mortages-- accompanied by inflation.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dan Rather Eclipses Kerry and Bush in Presidential Race

Small wonder. Watching Rather squirm under withering media scrutiny is far more interesting than listening to the leaden sppeches of Kerry or the malapropisms of Bushy. Rather and his running mate Martha Stewart are dominating the media in these crucial weeks leading up to the election. The fiasco totally derails the Kerry campaign's effort to depict Bushy as a big, fat liar. Instead, it makes him look like the victim of a libelous smear campaign.
The big question that Rather refuses to answer is, "From whom did you obtain the documents and how much did you pay?" A related question is "Why bother?" Bushy's national guard service of lack thereof is not the most importnat campaign story, unless you are part and parcel of the Kerry campaign. Bush should be challenged by the press on his last four years and his plans for the future. Kerry ought to be made to expand on exactly how he would do better.
Willl CBS follow the example of the NYT and USA Today and clean house and toughen internal controls? It doesn't look like it. In the mantime, Amercia's most trusted television news source remains "The Daily Show."